Vladimir was born in 1981 near Kyiv. His father was an art lover and a collector of local art and rare orthodox icons. Their home was full of art books and soviet magazines with perfect hand painted illustrations. Vladimir interested in art for the first time in early childhood when he was 4-5 y.o.
The art career of Vladimir Manzhos more known as Waone, begun in 1999. Few years after he has been painting graffiti a s a member of Ingenious Kids crew in Kyiv. In 2003 he got bored of letters and together with Aec went to the next level of public art - visual storytelling.

They have been painting
big surreal murals with fantasticstories. They developed their unique style of contemporarymuralism with extraordinary ephemeral form of monumental art.
In 2005 Waone and Aec established an artist duo - Interesni Kazki, which means «Interesting fairy tales» in ukrainian. Their murals are full of fairy characters, fine details, smooth gradients, symbols and stories. Next 10 years duo travel a lot. Inspiring by local cultures and traditions they paint murals expressing local flavor. Now their bright surreal paintings decorate the walls from Australia to Mexico and from San Francisco to Moscow.