Large technology companies, such as Google, are already exploring the field of art and robotics. In the case of the North American giant, its first two forays are the Magenta and Deep Dream projects.

In the case of the North American giant, its first two forays are the Magenta and Deep Dream projects. The latter, specifically, is based on an image recognition software that identifies objects and applies filters to them to reinterpret them artistically, simulating watercolor, comic or charcoal techniques.

Computational creativity lives not only on painting. The machines are also capable of composing music, such as that created by Grammy winner Alex Da Kid using an Artificial Intelligence system. This musician - or rather, his software - analyzed newspaper articles, Wikipedia entries, movie synopses, song lyrics and chord progressions for five years until he found the most popular themes and rhythms. With all this he composed Not easy, his first cognitive song. Poetry is not spared either. WASP (Wishful Automatic Spanish Poet) is an automatic poet developed by Pablo Gervás, a professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, who is given instructions on metric and rhyme, he is instructed to be inspired by the work of a poet and he alone begins to compose verses.

In the latter cases, human intervention, despite being almost testimonial, exists. But there are also samples of computational art alien to the participation of man. Two examples. Memory of a Passerby, a piece by Mario Klingermann, a German artist, consisting of two screens that emit a constant stream of images with faces distorted by algorithms through an Artificial Intelligence brain. The funny thing is, none of those faces has ever existed! The other, with a different nuance, is The painting fool. Created by Simon Colton, a professor at the University of London, this artist robot or software downloads images from the Internet, catalogs them around concepts such as joy, desolation, or panic, and applies that learning to create digital works inspired by those. emotions.